Voted Most Likely: A Stolen Tag

   Welcome back everyone! So this is a character tag I stole from another blogger. It's been going around, and all you have to do is link back to who you stole it from, in this case Aesthete Journals. The concept is pretty simple; it's a "voted most likely" using your own book characters. For myself, I'm doing characters strictly from my WIP series The Third Coming.

Most Likely to be a Poet

Probably Cyrus. He's got a strong romantic and dreamer streak in him, and I could see him sitting around with his pet and writing beautiful poetry for his world to enjoy.

Most Likely to Dance in the Rain

Crystallite. She's super energetic, cannot sit still, absolutely loves water, and looks for the little things in life to bring her joy. But mostly, she just loves water and rain. 

Most Likely to Look Good in a Kilt

Rocco may not be Scottish, but he's no stranger to extravagant, and sometimes questionable, fashion choices. He'd not only pull it off, but show it off. 

Most Likely to Get Punched in the Face

The tag didn't say anything about excluding villains, so Cardinal is the most likely to get punched. Most everyone wants to punch him. 

Most Likely to Drop Everything and Become a Sheep- Herder

John. There is nothing more he would love than to live a simple life among gentle creatures. 

Most Likely to be Found in the Library

Half my characters would probably be found in the library, for various reasons at any given time. But the one who hangs out the most there would be Aura, head down, looking up one thing or another.  

Most Likely to Sleep Through an Earthquake

My MC, Cas, would probably sleep through an earthquake. He often has vivid dreams that keep him asleep; he's just not a light sleeper like the rest, he's never needed to be one.

Most Likely to Steal Food from Other Peoples' Plates

Rocco. He does a thing called "what he wants", and was raised with no manners whatsoever. 

Most Likely to Cheat on a Test

Rocco again. Probably just to prove he can do it without getting caught. 

Jaden is another one, though he's do it out of desperation (off of Rocco) because he didn't study properly. 

Most Likely to Say "Oops" After Setting Something on Fire

Cas. He's a cinnamon roll who's never done a thing wrong in his life and would panic when it started. 

Most Likely to Open an Orphanage

John. He's the oldest of three brothers and the most responsible. He also has a soft spot for children. 

Most Likely to Run Off with the Circus

Rocco. Shoot, if he existed in real life, he'd either be a WWE wrestler or part of Cirque du Soleil. He's crazy, colorful, and full of parkour. 

Most Likely to Survive the Zombie Apocalypse 

The Third Coming has an apocalyptic setting. All of them would survive, though the toughest would probably be Cardinal, John, Jaden, Rocco, and Heaven.

Most Likely to Fake Their Own Death

John, probably to protect those around him.

Rocco would do it solely to freak his friends out. 

Most Likely to Die and Haunt Their Friends

Jaden. He's got a prankster streak in him, and would love haunting his brothers and best friends for eternity, giving advice and scaring them at inconvenient times.

If you want to use this tag for yourself, just let me know in the comments. Have a great day! ~TQ


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