
Showing posts from December, 2018

A 2018 Christmas

  Merry Christmas everybody!!!! I know this is coming out early, but I'm not actually going to be on come Christmas day. Our family will be together and we'll open presents and eat delicious ham. What are some of the traditions you enjoy this time of year?   This is the time of month to celebrate the incarnation of Christ, and reflect upon that. Though any time of year is acceptable, we tend to do it around Christmas. I often think it's an easy thing to think about, but once I really start thinking about it, I can't even wrap my head around it. And that's OK. Because I've only got a finite mind, after all.   My favorite Christmas movie is Mickey's Christmas Carol. It has been since I was little, and still is to this day.   What's your favorite Christmas memory? Gift? Movie? Song? Feel free to comment below!

Know Your Novel, Pt. 2

Know the Novel, Pt. 2 -  Within The Third Coming   Hello everybody! Here's part two to the Know the Novel series. If you missed part one, just go  here . Enjoy! 1. How's the writing going?    Well, I started my third draft of it, so I'm only a couple paragraphs in, buuuutt good? I guess? The picture pretty much sums it up. Though, it has been the best of my life, I know that much 2. What's the most exciting aspect about writing this novel so far?    Writing about things that I want to write about. I learned quickly not to force myself to write anything else than the story I need to hear. So, I write what makes me happy, what makes my soul soar. That's what this has become for me, and that's the best part, sneaking in little things that make it all the worth while and making it my own.  3. Has your novel surprised you in any way?    Yes. A definite yes. At one point, before I knew it, my main character, Ca...

Know the Novel

Know the Novel, Part 1: Introductory   Here's part one to my novel, by  Christine I know it's after NaNo and I'm already on the third draft, but I'm going to do this anyway and deepen my own knowledge of my story. So, here goes.                                                    The Third Coming 1. What first sparked the idea for this novel?    As you may or may not have read  already the idea came to me last year, while watching Yu- Gi- Oh! I'd had my current main character tucked away for a while, the product of a dream and couldn't let him go. I never thought I'd use him. But after getting the idea from the anime, I realized he'd be perfect for the role of hero. Thus started the Third Coming! 2. Share a blurb!  Sometimes, all it takes is the will to stand up.   Cas Yeager has lived a shelt...

Recent Reads One: Shadow of the Fox

Recent Reads One   This is part one of a post series I plan on making whenever I read a new book. I plan on reviewing the book and offering my opinions on it, and whether it's worthy of buying and reading. I can't promise a spoiler free rant, but I'll let you know if I post anything that eludes to spoilers and anything that might give it away. At the end of each, I'll give it a rating on a 1- 10 scale.    To kick us off, I give you..... The Shadow of the Fox by Julie Kagawa   This book I found at the local book store as I was browsing for something new to read. I've never heard of the author, but what drew me was the red and silver color of the cover. It's truly a wonderful piece of art. The synopsis also drew me, as I'm an avid anime fan and it takes place in the fictional world of Iwagoto, inspired by Japanese myths. If you love anime, this is definitely for you. It's the first book in a new series.    Yumeko is half a kitsune , a...